Review Policy

If you are an author/publisher, I would be glad to review your book on SofiaLovesReading .

Rating System

5 Stars 

My new favorite book, loved it, and definitely recommending it to others. It has unforgettable characters and an original story. Will definitely reread.

4 Stars

I really enjoyed it, overall great story elements. Potentially recommend to others and reread at some point in the future.

3 Stars

I liked it but there are no elements that make it stand out, an average book. Basic structure and execution is present. In addition, books that really don't appeal to me may fall under this section. In that case would recommend to others who enjoy that type literature.

2 Stars

Disliked overall, poor quality and execution. Featuring two-dimensional, static characters and a forgettable plot. Will recommend to those who enjoy that genre.

1 Stars

Either a complete waste of time or a book I was unable to finish.Will not recommed.

Review Policy

Reviews will be posted on:

GoodReads  | This Blog |  Amazon | Barnes & Noble

I review young adult (YA) titles. I do not receive compensation for my reviews.

The reviews on this blog will not be inherently positive. I will comment on both favorable and unfavorable aspects and will guarantee my complete sincerity.

If you are an author or publisher, I would be more than happy to read and review YA titles. I am also open to reviewing non-YA titles. Genres I like: Chick-lit, Contemporary, Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Science fiction, Suspense, Young-adult, paranormal-romance, romantic-suspense, erotic-romance and sports-romance.
  • I will accept ARCs and published titles, in print(paperback) and eBook formats. However I will not accept audio book formats.
  • I will accept self-published titles for review.
  • I may decline your request to review a title. If I do, I will indicate why in my reply.
  • I may not review every title I accept for review. This is because there are times when I can't get into a book (for whatever reason) and do not finish the book as a result. I don't feel I can give a fair review if I do not finish reading the title in its entirety, so if I can't finish the book, I will not review it.
  •  I will post both positive and negative reviews. All reviews are honest and fair.
  • What I include in my reviews: a picture of the book cover, the title, author, summary (usually from Good Reads),my favourite quote and my personal review.
  • I try not to include spoilers in my reviews. If I do include spoilers, I will indicate this at the beginning of the review.
  •  I am also open to doing author interviews, as long as I have read the author's newest title (or the ARC, if the book has not yet been released). 
  • I would love to hold contests/giveaways, but my funds are limited. If you would like me to hold a contest or giveaway and you are able to ship the prizes to the winner, please feel free to contact me. There will also be times when I will be willing to hold a contest/giveaway and use my own funds to ship prizes. In these cases, I will gladly accept swag (bookmarks, postcards, etc.). 
  •  If you would like to contact me about reviews, please include the following information: Title of the book, author, release date and if the book is part of a series (and if it is, which number in the series it is).
Sofia T.

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